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The 21st century revolution starts at home.
  • To promote a deeper understanding of the true nature of the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, and the awareness of strengthening the marriage and family for the betterment of society.

  • To educate married couples regarding the human virtues that enhance and strengthen their marriage and their role as primary educators of their children.

  • To develop in couples/parents the skills of analytical thinking, decision making and goal setting as are applicable to their married and family life.

  • To encourage couples/parents to develop a spirit of service within their family and to nurture each member to become a responsible and generous member of society.


  • Couples can give to each other and to their children only what they themselves have. The ability to foster human virtues in one another is enhanced by one's own continuous personal development and being a united team of husband and wife.

  • Marriage/family is the fundamental institution of society. The strength of society is based on the strength of marriage and the family.

  • This gift of love is further realized by sharing in God's creative power to bring children into existence, welcoming each child into the family with unconditional Love, care and education.​

  • The family is the first school of the human virtues, which are the animating principles for the development of a cohesive and civilized society.

  • The family is the unique institution whereby individuals are accepted solely for themselves. The unconditional love, respect and acceptance within the family allow each individual to develop into a complete and authentic person.

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